Little Miss Pamper Party
You Won’t Want to Leave
This package gives the children the opportunity to feel grown up and enjoy a mini makeover.
£15 per a child for two treatments.
The treatments are as follows:
Plaited or hair up do (Can curl or straighten for an extra £7 per child)
Mini Make over - Includes eyeshadow, Mascara, Blusher and Lip gloss
Mini manicure/pedicure - Shaping and Polish
Nail art hands/toes - Polish and Nail art/stickers
Micro loop colour hair extensions - X3 strands (mixed colours) can last up to a month
Bubbly foot soak - warm water with bubbles
Mini facial - Cleanse, mask and moisturise - all sensitive skin products
Glitter tattoos - Variety of designs to choose from
Festival glitter faces - Sparkly glitter on your face
Hair wrap braids - Coloured hair wraps
Festival glitter braids - Plaits with glitter in the hair
Hair extension plaits - Plaits with coloured extensions
If you wish to add any extra treatments or activities this is available with a fee of £7 per person per treatment/activity
Ultimate Pamper Party package
- £299
This package price covers up to 8 girls, if you wish to have more than this it is £25 extra per child. It includes hiring out the whole salon for 2 hours.
The treatments and activities are as follows:
Mini makeover
Mini Manicure/Pedicure
Nail Art Hands/Toes
Bubbly Foot Soak
Hair Extensions or Hair Up
Mini Facial
Glitter Tattoos
Karaoke and Photoshoot with print out to take home
Mocktail Making or Cupcake Decorating
We offer 0% interest payment plans using Clearpay or Laybuy
Please note these treatments require a £20 Admin fee and a non-refundable deposit a week before the pamper party (minimum of 50% of what the party is going to cost). Also a responsible adult 18+ is required there at all times
**Before purchasing the package please contact to ensure the date you require is free**